(For Faculty of Languages / Humanities /Arts / Social Sciences / Library /Education / Physical Education /Commerce / Management & other related disciplines)  (1) Peer - Reviewed and Refereed Journals are same. Yet UGC has awakwardly augumented score of Research Paper. We have follow UGC Augumented Pattern. (2) Impact Factor of Thomson Reuters will be considered. No Impact Factor devised by any other agency will be valid. (3) You can add parameter and quantity which are only input field  
1 Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed (But Not Refereed ) Journals without Impact Factor 
Single Author 10
Two Authors  7
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 7
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  3
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed ( Refereed ) Journals without Impact Factor 
Single Author 15
Two Authors  10.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 10.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  4.5
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor less than 1
Single Author 20
Two Authors  14
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 14
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  6
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 1 and 2 (Include 1 & 2)
Single Author 25
Two Authors  17.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 17.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  7.5
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 2 and 5 (Don't Include 2)
Single Author 30
Two Authors  21
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 21
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  9
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor between 5 and 10 (Don't Include 5)
Single Author 35
Two Authors  24.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 24.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  10.5
Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor > 10 (Don't Include 10)
Single Author 40
Two Authors  28
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 28
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  12
2 (a) Books Authored published by Intenational Publishers 
Single Author 12
Two Authors  8.4
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 8.4
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  3.6
Books Authored published by National Publishers 
Single Author 10
Two Authors  7
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 7
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  3
Publication of Chapter in Edited Books (Not Paper/Article in Edited Books) 
Single Author 5
Two Authors  3.5
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 3.5
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  1.5
Editor of Book by International Publishers
Editor / Editors  10
Editor of Book by National Publishers
Editor / Editors  8
2 (b) Translation Work of Chapter or Research Paper 
Single Author 3
Two Authors  2.1
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 2.1
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  0.9
Translation Work of Book
Single Author 8
Two Authors  5.6
First/Principal/Corresponding Author (More than 2 Authors) 5.6
Join Author (More than 2 Authors)  2.4
3 (a) Development of Innovative pedagogy
Contributor  / Contributors  5
3 (b) Design of New Curricula and Courses (ICT Based) 
Contributor  / Contributors  2
3 (c) Development of Complete MOOC's in 4 Quandrant (4 Credit Course)
4 Credit Course 20
3 Credit Course 15
2 Credit Course 10
1 Credit Course  5
MOOCs (developed in 4 quadrant) per module / lecture 
Module / Lecture Creator (Per Module) 5
Content writer/subject matter expert for each module of MOOCs (at least one quadrant) 
Content Writer / Subject Matter Expert (Per Module) 2
Course Coordinator for MOOCs 
4 Credit Course 8
3 Credit Course 6
2 Credit Course 4
1 Credit Course  2
3 (d) Devlopment of E-Content in 4 quadrants for a Complete Course / E-Book
E-Content in 4 quadrants for a Complete Course / E-Book 12
E-Content (developed in 4  quadrants) per module
Modules  5
Contribution to development of E-Content module in Complete Course / Paper / E-Book (at least one quadrant) 
Contributor  2
Editor of E-Content for Complete Course / Paper / E-Book 
Editor  10
4 (a) Ph.D. Guidance (Degree Awarded)
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Single Supervisior)  10
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Supervisior in Joint Guidance)  7
Ph.D. Guidance (Awarded) (Co-Supervisior in Join Guidance)  7
Ph.D. Guidance (Thesis Submitted) 
Ph.D. Guidance (Submitted) (Single Supervisior)  5
Ph.D. Guidance (Submitted) ( Supervisior in Joint Guidance)  3.5
Ph.D. Guidance (Submitted) ( Co-Supervisior in Joint Guidance)  3.5
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation Guidance
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation  (Single Supervisior)  2
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation  (Supervisior in Joint Guidance)  1.4
M.Phil./P.G Dissertation  (Co-Supervisior in Joint Guidance)  1.4
4 (b) Research Project Completed (More than 10 Lakhs) 
Single Investigator 10
Principal Investigator in Joint Project  5
Co-investigator in Joint Project 5
Research Project Completed (Less than 10 Lakhs) 
Single Investigator 5
Principal Investigator in Joint Project  2.5
Co-investigator in Joint Project 2.5
4 (c) Research Project Ongoing (More than 10 Lakhs) 
Single Investigator 5
Principal Investigator in Joint Project  2.5
Co-investigator in Joint Project 2.5
Research Project Ongoing (Less than 10 Lakhs) 
Single Investigator 2
Principal Investigator in Joint Project  1
Co-investigator in Joint Project 1
4 (d) Consultancy
Consultancy  3
5 (a) Patent Registered 
International 10
National 7
5 (b) Policy Document (International Body/Organization/Central Govt. or State Govt.)
International 10
National 7
State  4
5 (c) Awards / Fellowship 
International 7
National 5
6 Invited lectures / Resource Person/ paper presentation in Seminars/ Conferences/full paper in Conference
International (Abroad)  7
International (Within Country) 5
National 3
State University  2
Total Score without Caping 
30 % of Total Research Score 
Total Score of 5(b) + 6 
Capped Score of 5(b) + 6